Thursday, December 6, 2012

Forum Niche Marketing

A forum as we all know is a website where people with things in common come together to share ideas yet, when it comes to using it very well as a new affiliate marketer we make the mistake of thinking it's another avenue to display our website.

Well I have tried that and guess what I have been banned so I know a thing or so about what am talking about. Well how do we make good use of a forum and how well do we benefit from one. I hope by the time you finish reading this article those questions will be answered.

Well after I got banned I stayed off every forum, which in my opinion was the best thing that happened to me because it gave the chance to evaluate what I did wrong and how I could better apply myself in a forum to get the best out of each forum I joined. Well I found out it wasn't that hard to mix things up in a forum once I got to this simple yet untold secret.

Well a forum is simple a classroom, why well if you go back to your junior year or high school you will understand how a forum works. Well let's say you joined a new school you first get intimidated then after a while you start to speak but you stutter RIGHT!!. But you get used to the environment still.

Now let fast forward that to university level where you get to meet completely different people but all students as yourself. This is the level where you want to either express yourself or stay an introvert.

The one thing that comes to mind immediately is the movie "Social Network" the twins recognised Mark as a talent and immediately seek is expertise well now a university is a forum as well for that purpose. So recognise talent in your forum better still, be the talent in your forum and you will find those that will seek you out it's that simple.

How do you become a talent well, you become one not by being a teacher instead you become one by becoming a better student. Answer questions you know well and if you don't find one better still ask hard questions, that way they know you know a lot. Don't misbehave in class/forum so that you don't get punished/banned. Once you get that clued in you will find out that operating in the forum is so simple.

Did you notice I didn't use the word marketing in the article because a forum is not about marketing it's about you doing enough for others to want to seek you out. What you do for others will market you in an instant it might be slow but I promise you that they will come around so don't try to use the forum for a quick fix use it as an outlet for your knowledge and you will be rewarded with the traffic you crave.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   

Get Traffic to Your Forum

Forums are brilliant, have made Internet history, but with no traffic to your forum; it will rapidly become just that...history.

Every single user wants to join large forums for sharing and exchanging ideas and leave questions for other users to answer.

Lots of people, sharing interests, join the same communities and many Internet marketers capitalize on these forums because they can benefit just by joining them.

When you start your own forum, the possibility of having a lot of user interaction is big. You have spent months working on it, expected some traffic, but the problem is; there is no traffic at all.

Now you wonder; what went wrong?

No have checked. No one even signed to join your forum.

So how can you generate traffic to your forum?

First of all, you will want to make the forum looks inviting and welcoming. This can be done by implementing a clean, simple, warm and interesting theme. Use soft colors like orange, green and blue or even a light gray or white.

Always start with a smaller forum. The fewer categories, the easier it is to fill the forum. Apply the ones that will attract the user's interests. Four or five subjects will be easy to manage and you do not need many members or posts to make it seem active and busy.

Find two or three active and committed members who know the subject in the forum very well. These two or three dedicated members will make your forum look busy and others will join. You will of course be very active and familiar with the subject of your forum as well. Make at least five posts per day (from different people).

After a couple of weeks you can even promote the most active member to a moderator. Although a moderator might not yet be needed (until you have at least 60 - 80 members) it will encourage the moderator to be more active.

Another method, which may sound crazy, but will definitely increase the traffic; make fake users with different names and different details. Build threads about subjects that are related to your site. Then log on as the other fake user and reply to the post.

Now when someone drops in to your site, they will be convinced that there is actually a community in your site and the user will start to register and post. Be aware of that you need to keep on track with their threads and posts so you will be able to reply with both your real and fake accounts which you have created.

Anyway...the appearance of a large number of links to related content on your forum can help it be found by the Google bot. Also remember to put a link to your forum in your profile on online sites and in your Twitter account.

These are some efficient ways for starting a forum, but of course there are many more tips and ideas about how to launch and maintain. There is way more to know and obviously many other things you can are a few more thoughts you can apply and which I hope will work for you:

1. Be active in other forums and add value to them. People will click your signature. 2. Offer incentives to users who do actively participate in your forum. 3. Add a competition. People are willing to do a lot for 10$. 4. Don't use admin as username or a fancy picture. Use a real picture and your name. 5. Your community should really like hanging out at your spot so don't be too strict with guidelines and rules. 6. Give the project a couple of years to develop.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   Five Reasons An eBay Seller Should Join An Online Business Forum   

4 Reasons Why You Should Use Forums to Market Your Online Home Business

Online forums, also known as chat rooms or bulletin boards, are gathering places for people who have a common interest where they can share ideas and make new friends and meet new business associates.

Internet marketing forums are widespread online and if you're just starting out with your online home based business you should seek out and sign up with a couple of the most popular chat rooms in your particular niche.

Here are 4 reasons why these bulletin boards should play a vital role in your Internet marketing campaign:

1. Networking plays just as critical a part in your online marketing efforts online as it does offline, and forums are incredible places for meeting other Internet business owners. These people are better established on the Internet marketing scene and they may be willing and able to give you the insight you need to get started quickly.

These are also great places to form other business relationships such as joint venture agreements which can help you build your list quickly and to make those extra sales we all need to make when we're just beginning.

2. When you're new to Internet marketing you're going to run into problems which can slow your progress and cost you time and money. However, being a member of one of these bulletin boards allows you to post your problem on the website so you can ask others if they have a solution to your dilemma. You can also get advice related to other areas of your home business which can also give you a head start as a newcomer to the world Internet marketing.

3. Just by visiting these chat rooms on a regular basis and reading what other marketers are saying you can come up with new ideas for products, discover original advertising tips and perhaps get some insight on new innovations or new tools which can help give you an edge over your competition.

4. Finally, Internet forums provide an excellent opportunity to promote your Internet enterprise. By adding a link to your blog or your product offer in your signature file you can attract hordes of targeted prospects to your home page as well as add new subscribers to your email list.

In order to attract these visitors however you must contribute valuable content to these chat rooms so these people will want to visit your website to get more of your information.

So as you can see Internet forums offer many advantages for your online home business when you use them correctly and treat them with respect by making valuable contributions on a regular basis.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

Quick Guide to Make Money at the WSO Forum

Have you heard about the WSO Forum? It is a site that provides a good opportunity for aspiring online marketers to sell their products. It is an online marketplace where many businessmen collaborate and make profit. The site has a lot of members and gains a lot of views in a day. So, members are assured that they will have the maximum business exposure that they could get.

In joining the WSO Forum, there is just one simple step. This is to go to the site and register. There is no cost in registration and the site has an easy to understand interface, so there wouldn't be a problem on this step. Newly registered members could browse through the forum to familiarize themselves on the site. They could also use this capability to observe other members based on how they cope in selling their products online.

While joining is simple, steps in starting a business on the site will be a bit challenging. This will need a lot of knowledge and time for a member to truly gain profit through the site.

Start by joining the War Room section of the forum. This section is intended to be the place where members could advertise products they want to sell to other members. Also, this is a place where one can meet other members of the site. This is important because building a network or relationship through the site is one of the vital factors to gain more profit.

Most members of the site don't want to transact with people who don't show good will to others. So, make a lot of good postings on the War Room section to gain the respect and trust of your fellow businessmen. Members' good posting could be one that helps others members, one that gives information to others, or one that will entertain or attract other members.

Next thing to do is to make a Warrior Special Offer (WSO). This is the product (or service) a member can offer to his fellow online marketers. This could be an article, e-book, software, website sale, license, or services like writing, coding and designing. The product you can sell on the site are categorized into three things: new product, existing product and services.

Each posting of product offers costs $40, so members should take a little time first before making one. The product that a member should offer must be something that is definitely needed by the market today. It is an advantage to make a product that is unique to attract prospective clients and rise above competition.

Members could employ people on the site. This saves a lot of time and extends the variety of products that they can offer. Employing people is said to be one of the soundest choices especially if a member knows that he cannot build the best quality product on his own. They can profit in selling a hundred pages of articles or reports without writing anything.

That's it! Just follow this guide and people can have their business through the site and make money through the WSO Forum.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   Five Reasons An eBay Seller Should Join An Online Business Forum   

Advice On Becoming A Wealthy Affiliate

If I can offer one bit of advice on becoming a wealthy affiliate when getting started, it is to find people who have already been there and will help you through.  You can learn about it, start it, and do it by yourself, but it is so much easier if you have a mentor to help you through the way.  There are many communities of affiliates on the internet, full of people who want to help out the new person.  If you find one, take advantage and ask questions (but make sure to look through the frequently asked questions and pinned tutorials first!); communities exist to bring people together for a simple cause, purpose, or following, and the people who frequent them are there to help.  Use them!

Of course, you can try to become a wealthy affiliate on your own with little help.  You can read all of the tutorials from various websites, and think you have learned everything.  Then you start to make your affiliate website.  Then you come to a halt because there are a few things that you just don't quite "get" yet.  Where do you go?  You may have a difficult time getting people to respond because of you not belonging anywhere.  But if you belonged to a website dedicated to mentoring people, you could peruse article and threads already discussing your inquiry, or you could start a thread about the subject or message an individual.

The great thing about talking to veterans in any facet of life is the experience they have.  It becomes so much easier to talk to people who have already been there that they have a plethora of hints, stories, and methods to teach to the young and new members of any group, career, or association.  Be a sponge, and take in as much information as possible!  Take the advice of the veteran when striving on becoming a wealthy affiliate!  It is the fast track toward affiliate marketing success.  They will offer little tidbits here and there, which add up to a very success business.

When you are a member of a website which offers advice, you can continually update where you are with your affiliate marketing business.  You can check in from time to time and tell the community where you are.  They can offer bits about your business and what you can do to achieve a much higher level of success.  This is a powerful motivational tool, because they will root for your success and help you achieve it.  Perhaps you can even ask a member to be your person mentor, with whom you could even offer a portion of your commissions to him or her for your successes.

If you really want to become a wealthy affiliate, find some people who were once in your shoes and find out what they did to achieve their successes.  You may be surprised that they have done and have to say.  Be legitimate.  Don't ask for anyone's advice without being legitimately interested and more importantly, fully dedicated to your affiliate marketing business.  In order to cut down on rookie mistakes, find out people who made them and learn from their mistakes!

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   

Using Forum Marketing To Grow Your Business

We are social beings by nature, and forums have become very popular social communities where like minded people gather to share their thoughts, ideas and strategies. Whilst many people join online communities specifically for social benefits, there are also professionals online who see the huge potential in forum marketing.

Personally, I join and interact on forums because it gives me a chance to promote my business through a signature link at the bottom of each valuable post I write. Others use forums just to gain a back-link to their website from their signature, and then there are people who are just starting out in the internet marketing business who are looking for advice and tips on which direction they should be heading in.

Okay, let's take a look why forums are powerful for online business owners...

1) Forum Marketing- Building On Your Existing Knowledge:

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a newbie, conversing and participating on online forums can be very valuable for the future growth of your business. Well respected forums have a lot of valuable content shared by many different marketers who approach their business from completely different mindsets. I have learned a lot over the years just from reading other posts left by like minded people in the same industry as myself. While this may not be seen as direct forum marketing, it has helped my online business grow immensely through the years.

You can pick up some great little tips & tricks just by browsing through the popular categories of a forum, but be warned, there are also a lot of bad habits you can pick up from internet marketers who have no real clue as to how to run an online business. What I really like about forums is that there are many different viewpoints shared by successful entrepreneurs, and when a conversation erupts into a full blown debate about what are the best strategies to run a business, you will begin to see who are the experts and who are the opportunity seekers very quickly.

Opportunity seekers are the ones who give advice on how to make "quick cash" online, where the seasoned business experts will highlight the importance of creating a long-term business plan that is sustainable over time. You can pick up some great little nuggets of gold from both parties.

When joining a forum with the sole purpose of learning about your industry, I suggest you take a close look at who is doing the posting, what their strategies are, and what their goal of posting is.

Learn to distinguish from the people who actually work to provide value, and weed out the ones who simply post on forums to gain a back-link to their website, or simply just to promote their online services. Marketers who post to provide value are the ones I pay attention to. I don't trust the ones who are just posting to promote their business. This is ineffective forum marketing and I'd much rather ignore what they have to say.

I like to take notes when I go onto popular forums and I also like to write down the names of members who seem to have a strong presence on the forum. I then go through their previous posts to dig a little deeper into their overall business strategies.

You can learn a lot from these people and if you are impressed by their approach to online marketing, you can follow their posts and get to know them a little better each time you visit. Maybe I will even send a private message after a short while asking for specific answers to questions I feel they would have extensive knowledge in. This approach is very valuable and you can build valuable relationships with knowledgeable folk over time.

2) Forum Marketing- Marketing Your Online Business:

Forums are great place to promote your brand, products and services to targeted people within your niche. I use forums for many different reasons but my main reason is for promotional purposes. I have quite a bit of knowledge in the internet marketing industry and I would like to promote what I have to offer to that particular market...what better place than where these people hang out every day?

A simple little signature profile at the bottom of your posts can bring in a lot of traffic over time to your service, providing you give value to the forum that is. I have seen forum posters leave one sentence posts in an attempt to get their signature file on many threads within the forum. This is a complete waste of time and will drive very little, if any, visitors to your web space. Adding little to no value to a forum is a waste of your time, and a waste of the forums capabilities of helping you with your online presence.

If you go to the most popular internet marketing forum that exists on the net today, you will see many well known people adding consistent value to that forum. These marketers know exactly what they are doing and the reap the benefits tenfold.

Alexa Smith is a regular poster on the warrior forum and she provides incredible value to participants of that forum on a consistent basis. Alexa has marketers, and "would be" marketers, hanging onto her every word. If she decided tomorrow to launch a product within the warrior forum, she would make a boat load of cash overnight, simply because she provides valuable information every post she writes or responds too. This is how forum marketing is done effectively.

The key to making forum presence work for you is to provide as much value to the members on that forum on a consistent basis. Joining forums with the purpose of promoting your service is short sighted, your number 1 goal is to provide as much valuable advice as possible to the members.

After a short while you will notice a lot of people coming to your website from clicking on your signature link. If someone on a forum provided me with great advice on a particular question I had, I would absolutely click on the link in their signature...who wouldn't? Even if I didn't ask a question in the forum but got some great tip from a fellow marketer by reading other threads that I have no posts in, I would still click through to their service regardless. Remember also, your valuable posts will be on the forum for a very long time, so you can have consistent exposure to your business providing you regularly give value.


There are many ways to promote your business online, and you should be using a mixture of them all to create an online presence that reaches far out across the whole world wide web. Forums are just one of the ways to do this, but they can be very powerful if approached in the right way.

Years ago I would have used forums to gain a back-link to my website, these days however, I approach this with a much more targeted goal in mind. Back-links are of course very valuable for search engine traffic, but not as powerful as bringing targeted traffic straight to you service or product. I participate in 5 forums related to the niche I'm in, and I spend at least an hour each day providing value in each of these forums.

Not all traffic is equal, so it's important to go where your target market is already hanging out. Forums have dramatically helped me promote my business and will continue to do so for many years to come as long as I consistently use these communities to provide value to it's members.

I also learn a lot from forums by conversing with experts in the internet marketing field I am passionate about. Don't underestimate the value of participating in high traffic forums...the value they can bring to your business is immense, as long as you use them to market your business in the proper manner.Forum marketing is one of my favorite free sources of traffic and it works wonderfully well if used in the right way.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   

Effective Money Making Tips - How To Make Online Money From Forums

Nowadays, the internet is full of free online money-making opportunities. It has provided a number of opportunities to people looking to make additional income without any additional investment. Internet marketing is one such effective source which has made quite a number of people successful - earning handsome streams of regular income. There are many forms of internet marketing and marketing through online forums, or forum marketing, is one such popular form. Forums are the most populated places in the world of the internet. A large number of people from all around the globe visit such forums, looking for information on various topics and to engage in interesting discussions with like-minded people. Quite a large number of people search for an answer to the very subject of this article - how to make online money from forums!

While people interested in making use of online forums to earn money should be aware of every aspect of the forums themselves, it is important not to overlook the vital techniques required to attract visitors. It generally takes time to build up your visitors, but early efforts will prove fruitful later on, if of course you approach it in the correct manner. Below you will find certain tips that will help you to formulate a strategy for this potentially lucrative area.

1. Make Use of Standard Methods The first and foremost tip for people interested in forum marketing, is that you should know how to make use of the standard methods of advertising a product or service online. You should be aware of Google AdSense, pop- up advertisements and banners in order to market a product. You should make use of these methods carefully, because they have the capability - if over used - of making your forum look like a spam jungle and therefore reducing its search engine ranking.

2. Try Using A Suitable Affiliate Program You can participate in affiliate programs by using the affiliate networks like ClickBank and Google Affiliates. While, on the other hand, if you don't want to sign up with a network, then you can visit other sites that promote programs harmonizing your products. You can allow these sites to post ads on your website or forum and provide them with something in return. This can help in increasing your promotional base and help the money-making process.

3. Get Traffic By Article Marketing You can attract a large number of visitors to your forum by writing good, original, and useful content regarding your products and services. You can write informative content pertaining to your area of specialization and allow them to be used on the various article directories to get more traffic. When someone reads your content, they will visit your forum in order to get more information.

Consider these pointers as the golden rules that will help you to make online money from forums. There is, of course, always room for creativity and initiative.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

Using Forum Marketing to Advertise

Forum marketing is an excellent form of advertising that basically consists of posting your thoughts and questions and getting responses in the form of replies. It is similar in some ways to writing an email from my point of view, except that what you write is open to many people. You are looking for responses to your posts in these forums. You are also reading posts that are written in response to somebody other than you, and you are able to gather different ideas and opinions about what works for people and what doesn't. As far as I'm concerned this is an excellent way to think through whatever you are attempting to do online.

Forum marketing needs to be approached as a daily discipline and do your best to make it at least a weekly discipline. You need to find forums that are relevant to what your business is about. If you are trying to establish a presence online as a marketer, which you probably would not be reading this otherwise, then you will want to have a presence in online marketing forums such as Warrior Forum and Better Networker. Those two forums are excellent places to begin marketing yourself, your business, and to gain advice from those who are well established and successful. Do not be disappointed in the fact that some forums will ask for a small payment for a membership. The membership fee is a very small price to pay for the advice and the ability to promote yourself and your business. You will want to learn the right way of doing things in these forums and online period, so that you will earn the reputation of being a professional.

When you first join a forum, it will be best to introduce yourself and just say hello. Don't try to promote any product or business you are involved in right away. All you should really do in the beginning is introduce yourself, and possibly give a few compliments to others if you can. I think it would be a good idea to go to some of the websites that are advertised by established people in the forum, look the site over, and then go back and compliment that person on their site and their business. You don't necessarily have to buy their product to just say that their site looked impressive and you will try to come make a visit again when you can. Doing that will help that person's confidence that their efforts are paying off and might even establish a relationship with that person that enables the two of you to help each other. You will want the same from other people as well. As you try to learn marketing skills, you will want feedback from other people, and forums are good places to play with ideas like this.

Once you have been a member of a particular forum for some time, and have introduced yourself and established a certain presence that is positive, you will want to make sure you make solid contributions with your posts and replies. You can put your website links in your signatures, as allowed by the forum moderators, and as you put good, solid input into the forum people will take a look at your site. You want to build a platform of respect. You will want to base most of your post content on your own experiences and in your own words. I also think that referring to someone else's content is fine as long as you give them the credit and say you agree with their post.

Finally, everybody is limited time wise and can only do so much on a given day. Understanding that is another reason for finding maybe one to five forums that are relevant to what you are doing and concentrate on them regularly. If you try to be involved in too many things, there will be something that does not get the attention that it needs. This is also true in forum marketing and all other forms of marketing. All of us try to do too much in our daily lives and I think that is human nature. You will have to be careful about this and determine for yourself how many forums you have time to be involved in and where you have to draw the line. Having to stay out of a particular forum, even though it is a good one, because you have found the forums that work best for you is something you can't let bother you. Go with the advice of successful people, join the forums you are comfortable in, and then give things some time. I speak from experience when I say that impatience can be your enemy.

Thanks for reading and I hope this article helps in some way.

J S Moore

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

Forum Marketing 1-2-3

Forum marketing may sound confusing but, trust me, it is THE place to be if you're marketing online.

While it's easy to set up a profile and put in your picture, actually knowing how to market yourself on a forum takes a little more finesse.

Getting on a forum and then boasting about your website or blog is not the way to go about a successful forum marketing strategy.

Often, marketers will sign up on several forums with the intention of participating in them all and getting traffic from all of them. Then when this doesn't happen, they are disappointed and declared that "forum marketing doesn't work."

Well, going about it that way certainly doesn't work.

So, what's the 1-2-3 guide to forum marketing?

Step 1 - Sign up with a few forums, not more than you know you can handle participating in. When I think of participating, I think of someone who posts comments or threads of value and that can respond fairly quickly to inquiries. If you are on 10 different forums, are you really going to have time to actively participate in them all?

Step 2 - Actively participate with worthwhile information. So many times, people join forums, make 2 posts and are never heard from again. You have to be active on a regular basis to gain the full benefits of forum marketing.

Let's say you are in the golf niche. You register on 10 forums with a golf focus. You start participating on them all. Only your comments are very uninvolved and don't contribute much to the conversation - here's an example "I agree," "Yes, I do the same thing," or asking the question "What's the best traffic source?" But then after all those comments, since you have so many forums you are on, you neglect this forum to go to this other one.

See what I mean?

This brings us to...

Step 3 - Form relationships with participants there. As marketers, we are in a relationship building business. The focus of forums is to bring together a community of people in a niche to discuss that niche - share ideas, bounce traffic ideas around, form partnerships. None of that can happen if forums are not treated as such.

Forum marketing is based around community involvement.

I have browsed around on several forums where there is no activity and the result is spam intrudes. So even if someone wanted to be active, spam would overcome all the responses.

Finding an active forum is simple - just look at the dates of the comments and responses. Active ones will be active every day, with lots of people participating.

So give forum marketing a try and share your ideas with a targeted community.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

Use Forums to Generate Traffic and Backlinks

Forums can be used as an extremely powerful tool to generate targeted traffic and backlinks to your blog or website. If you want to succeed in making money online, then you must make use of forums in your internet marketing business. Forums have been known to generate a lot of traffic if used to full potential.

Generally, forums are niche specified and hence its members have a common goal or interest for that particular niche. So you can find the one and start promoting your blog or website there. Joining such a forum gives you a place where the people are already interested in your niche and you can use your marketing techniques to gain people's attention.

To find such a forum, you can search in Google for some of the top forums in your niche. Joining and signing up is generally free. Once you have find the one which you feel good for promoting your online business, join it and fill your details, profile and everything required.

All forums are generally designed to share, discuss and review certain ideas and opinions. You need to gain confidence and recognition amongst members of the forum. For that you need to remain extremely active in the forum. Make sure that you make at-least ten posts a day. Try to provide valuable information and always be ready to socialize with other members. The more you interact with people and help them, more will people know about you and will trust you.

You can use signature of your posts to leave a link ( no affiliate link) back to your blog or website. This serves as a great source of traffic once you have gained authority in the forum. You can increase your subscribers and potential customers significantly. Also, it helps in providing backlinks to your blog. The more you post in the forum, more your backlinks appear and more you will get the link juice to your blog.

You can even look to promote you own products. You can offer a discount exclusively for the members of the forum. This is an excellent way to make some quick money online. But for that you need to have a good authority which comes eventually if you keep on working. Some forums even have the facility to review other sites and blogs. You can ask for opinions for your own blog and look for your strong and weak areas.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

How to Do Forum Marketing Fast

There are just so many ways to promote a business in the online arena but the most effective ones are those that are done in a more subtle way. That's exactly what's forum marketing is all about. It will help you create awareness without doing blatant ads or sales pitches which can surely annoy your potential clients. This will allow you to earn their trust which is what exactly you need to win their business.

Here's how you can do forum marketing:

First step is to identify the forums that you're going to use. Google search the niche + the word forum and list down the top 10 sites that are appearing on the search page results. These are the forums that you're going to visit every single day. Sign up an account and ensure that you read the terms of service properly. Knowing the do's and don'ts will help you ensure that the administrators will not block you.

Next step is to ensure that you're going to spend at least one hour per day on these sites. Remember, one of the keys to succeed in this endeavor is consistency. So, ensure that you post something useful every single day. It's the best thing that you can do to promote easy recall.

Provide useful information. Instead of just replying "I agree" or "that sounds nice" care to offer your potential clients with something useful so they'll notice you. Take the time to answer their questions, help them understand and solve their problems, offer them with useful tips list and how-to guides, and offer expert tips and advice when and as needed. By doing this, you'll surely capture their attention and overtime, they'll consider you as the go-to person when they're in need of relevant information or products or services that you sell.

Make great signature. Most reputable forums will not allow you to insert links or blatant ads on your posts but they'll allow you to create inbound links through your signature. Obviously, I would want you to take full advantage of this. Make it work for you by ensuring that it's well written and well thought-out. This must contain your full name, your business name, your areas of expertise or the problems that you solve, and the link to your website, blog, and Facebook page. Use your most friendly-looking photo whenever possible.

Encourage people to talk to you. Be very friendly and accommodating when doing forum marketing. Encourage other visitors to ask you questions related to your niche and provide them with the best answers. Also, make time for friendly talks or small chit-chats and have fun. Sometimes, all it takes to get these people to do business with you is to give them a chance to know you on a personal level.

Get feedback. From time to time, analyze the effectiveness of your forum marketing campaign. If you're not getting exactly what you want, get experts to provide you with feedback and recommendations. Then, make adjustments until you make this internet tool work for you.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   

4 Great Reasons For Joining A Forum To Increase Sales

Due to the way the internet has expanded over the past few years it is now possible to access information on virtually any topic you can think about. The great thing about this is that just about all of these topics have built online communities that anybody can join for free. These are more commonly known as forums.

An online forum is either a website or particular part of a website where members will discuss and post information on a certain subject, topic, hobby etc, that each member shares an interest in. Forums are arranged by topic and are mostly public.

1. Forums are Great Places to Get A Question Answered or Problem Solved

It's great to be able to read hundreds of articles on a particular subject, but they may not necessarily give you an answer to a question or resolve a problem you have. By joining a forum on the subject you are interested in, you can post your question or problem and another member (or members) will be very happy to help you.

2. You can Set Yourself Up as an Expert

Now, you can turn this on its head by setting yourself up as the expert and becoming someone who posts answers to people's questions or problems. By giving away free information or advice in this way you will be building up trust amongst fellow forum members and your reputation will begin to grow. By establishing yourself as a trusted expert, people are going to be far more willing to consider buying from you if you have a product or service to offer.

3. Other Members Will Recommend You

Another great benefit about building a relationship with other forum members is that they are likely to recommend you to people outside of the forum such as friends, family members or work colleagues.

4. You Can Work With Other Forum Experts To Help Each Other

Because everything being posted in the forum is going to be related to a certain theme or subject, it means there will be other experts on the forum as well. Therefore you could swap information and ideas with each other which can lead to increased sales for both of you.

If you and a fellow forum member have products that complement each other you may well want to consider some kind of joint venture. For example, if you sell golf equipment and another person on the forum specialises in re-fitting golf clubs, you could both agree to recommend each other's services.

Whether you are just starting out or if you have a lot of knowledge to share. Joining a forum on your topic is free. It is also a very good way of contacting people that will be interested in your product or service and you might just find that you enjoy being part of community of like minded people.

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   Five Reasons An eBay Seller Should Join An Online Business Forum   

Forum Marketing Can Build Your Business in 4 Steps

I was recently on a webinar with one of my mentors on the subject of Forum Marketing. What I came away from the webinar with were 4 step by step tips you can use to build a successful business using Forum Marketing.

1. Pick A Niche

First thing you have to do is to figure out what your niche/ market is going to be.

After you decide what your niche is going to be you must then research that niche to make sure you have a profitable niche.

You can do that by going to and searching for keyword tools in the search bar. This will give you a number of different keyword tools once you have selected a keyword tool.

Put your niches keywords into the tools search bar and this will give you the number of times your keywords were searched helping you decide if you niche is profitable or not.

2. Get an Affiliate Link

Get an Affiliate Link which means get a link to what you're promoting. You can do this one of two ways you can create a product to promote if you don't have your own product you can promote someone else's product.

Once you have decided on a product to promote your next step is to choose whether you're going to send traffic straight to your product link or are you going to send traffic to a squeeze page (this is recommended).

A Squeeze page is a page where you send traffic to and your prospect can opt-in (give you their name and email). The reason you want to have your prospects opt-in is so you can build your list so that you have prospects to promote to on a continuing basis and it's not a onetime deal.

If you don't how to create a squeeze page you can Google it or go on YouTube there should be lots of resources to show you how to create a squeeze page.

3. Find Forums

So now you have decided on a niche and you have your affiliate link. The next step in the process is to find forums or discussion group related to your niche.

How do you know where to find forums in your niche? Go to and search your niche+ forums or your niche+ discussion groups. This will give you a list of the most active forums related to your niche. Now that you have a list of forums choose 3 forums that you would like to participate in.

4. Post 6 Opinions A Day

Once you have chosen your 3 forums. Read over the threads and make 6 opinions or comments and put your signature (your signature is a link to your opt-in page or product) at the bottom of the post.

By putting your signature at the bottom of your opinion it will create a passive traffic stream to your link. To maximize this process make 6 opinions for 3 straight days on the 3 different forums you have chosen. That would make 18 opinions a day and 54 opinions over 3 days and then just track your results.

Hopefully this was helpful:

Why Join A Membership Site Now? 4 Tips So You Can Get Started Now in a Membership Site   Best Practices With What to Allow on Forums   How to Promote Underground Beats on Internet Forums   Reach Out to the World With Internet Marketing!   Getting Started With Forum Marketing   Five Reasons An eBay Seller Should Join An Online Business Forum   

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